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Wednesday 21 June 2017
Vaccine safety in pregnant women

Professor Kathryn Edwards, WAidid board members, recently authored an editorial on the NEJM commenting the work of Scheller’s group that we reported last week. Edwards underlines how the data reported are very encouraging and strongly support the safety of HPV vaccines even if they are inadvertently given in pregnancy: this finding complements previous safety reports of HPV vaccine in nonpregnant women.
Edwards also highlightsd the importance of carefully prelicensure trials on vaccines, especially when they are used specifically in pregnant women. In the case of HPV vaccine or other vaccines, that are not intended for pregnant women, but could be inadvertently administered to them, postmarketing safety evaluations assume great importance. Edwards concludes that the carefully conducted postlicensure safety study of HPV vaccine reported by Scheller’s group represents a model for others to emulate.

To go to the editorial, click here.