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Wednesday 23 September 2015
Measles-induced immunomodulation

WAidid suggests the article appeared on Science 8, May 2015: "Long-term measles-induced immunomodulation increases overall childhood infectious disease mortality"

Measles vaccination is one of the most cost-effective interventions for global health, and the results showed in this study imply further immunological dividends: mortality (and probably morbidity) reductions linked to measles vaccination might be much greater than previously considered. This is of  particular importance today where, especially in wealthy nations, reduced opportunistic infections  during acute measles immunosuppression, added to the comparative rarity of infection, has led to a public view of measles as a benign childhood disease. These findings help dispel the mystery surrounding the disproportionately large reductions in mortality seen after the introduction of measles vaccinations and reinforce the importance of measles vaccination in a global context.

AUTHORS: Michael J. MinaC. Jessica E. MetcalfRik L. de SwartA. D. M. E. OsterhausBryan T. Grenfell

>>>RELATED CONTENTS: Robb Butler on WHO immunization programs for Measles and Rubella