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Wednesday 18 November 2015
Immunomodulators in rheumatology

On Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, the recently published review: "Safety issues and concerns of new immunomodulators in Rheumatology"

In this review, the authors describe the safety issues related to the immunosuppressive action of the biologic drugs that are mainly represented by infection and malignancy. The risk of infection should be identified before initiating a biologic treatment and markers checked over time, in particular for tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C viruses. Other infections (bacterial, viral, parasitic; opportunistic; surgery-related) and safety issues may require temporary interruption of the treatment until complete resolution. No significantly increased risk of malignancy, both hematological and solid, has been associated with the use of biologic agents. In all cases, it is difficult to dissect the risks related to biologics from those related to baseline treatments.
Detailed medical history and laboratory screening should be performed before starting biologic therapies. Clinicians should be aware of the different safety profiles associated with different molecules and they should follow up data coming out of the existing registries for biologics in regard to new or old side effects.

AUTHORS: Carlo Selmi†, Angela Ceribelli, Stanley M. Naguwa, Luca Cantarini & Yehuda Shoenfeld

To read the article, click here.